Help Us Provide Homes
for Ukrainian Seniors

Giving hope to those whom the war made homeless   

Donate Today

Act today so we can place more people before winter comes

Adopt a Grandparent

Get connected with a verified senior to directly support him or her long-term ($125-200 monthly commitment)

Sponsor a Home

Pledge to sponsor a housing unit for two to four seniors for a period of up to 12 months ($400/500 a month for 6-12 months)

Our Mission

The war forced millions of Ukrainians to leave their homes and flee to safer regions of the country. Many of them are seniors who cannot afford housing in their places of refuge and live in overcrowded makeshift shelters (repurposed schools, kindergartens, manufacturing facilities, etc.). We find and fund apartments and houses for small groups of these seniors to share comfortably, homes where they can live in dignity and regain a sense of security, which for many of them is a matter of survival.

Our Goals

We started out hoping to give 100 elderly displaced Ukrainians a place to stay for a year. But the war has no end in sight, and we want to make sure these 100 people have a home through the next cold months and beyond.

Project Update

We set out a year ago with a simple plan: find homes for 100 elders for a year. We did it. We need to keep helping the ones we're already looking out for and hope to bring in more who need a safe spot. With your help, we can make sure everyone has a warm place to call home.

Our Results

• The program is 12 months old.

• 117 people have received our support.

• Currently, 97 people hosted.

• Spend $72,000


People hosted at this moment


People on our waiting list


People whose housing arrangements are in progress

$7,000-10,000 each month

Funds needed to cover program cost

News Coverage

A KQED journalist spent some time with us in western Ukraine in the summer of 2022 to capture the work we do with refugees. Here’s the excellent story and photo essay that resulted from that trip, providing an inside look at UKR’s mission:

Hope for Older Refugees of War: A Bay Area Resident's Mission to Save Older Adults in Ukraine



Who We Are

We are a group of American and Ukrainian volunteers who work on the ground in western Ukraine directly with internally displaced elderly Ukrainians.

Elena Akopova

Angelina Solorio

Maria Golovanevskaya

Ksusha Lomazova

Yana Sikorsky

Anastasia Pryazhnikova

Catherine Hoang

Maria Smirnova Galbo

Yevgeniy Sverdlik

Stanislav Shoupletsov

Anna Gnatiuk

Why We Are Doing This

Healthy and happy seniors are a sign of a healthy and happy community. A safe and comfortable home is fundamental to anybody’s health and happiness, and that’s doubly true for the elderly, for whom a sense of security and stability can be a matter of survival. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s government and large humanitarian-aid organizations have been unable to provide enough support for elderly refugees to secure housing that can give them that sense of stability and comfort.

Seniors are different from other refugees. They need more care. They are more fragile and more vulnerable, often unable to earn income while having higher expenses due to declining health. Those of them without family close by often find it hard to survive. The war in Ukraine has amplified all these difficulties by leaving them homeless.

We want to make their lives better given the circumstances until the war is over and their homes are rebuilt.

Partner and Volunteer Spotlight

Elena Akopova and her humanitarian organization We Are With You — our partners in Ukraine

Elena is a strong, funny, and kind human. She comes from the Donetsk region, which she left back in 2014, forced to relocate to Kyiv with her son and mother after Russia started the war. She then formed a humanitarian organization and volunteered to help children from internally displaced families. On February 24, 2022, Elena had to flee again, this time from Kyiv. She quickly regrouped and started helping people fleeing the war find new places to live.

We are now working as a tag team, helping elderly refugees secure housing together. You can help Elena and I by donating to our project in one of the following ways:


Ukrainian Bank Account
We are With You
Project: Under the Kind Roof
Найменування отримувача: ГО МИ З ТОБОЮ
Код одержувача: 40685960
Рахунок отримувача у форматі відповідно до стандарту IBAN: UA463052990000026006005021832
Назва банку: АТ КБ «ПриватБанк»

Your donations are tax-deductible thanks to our partner, Leleka Foundation. Leleka (its name is the Ukrainian word for “stork”) procures and distributes critical medical supplies to Ukraine’s defenders and civilians on the frontlines. The 501(c)(3) non-profit organization was formed in 2014, at the start of the Russian aggression in eastern Ukraine and Crimea, by a group of Ukrainian Americans. At the time they joined forces with several volunteer initiatives in Ukraine to source and distribute medical and first-aid supplies to paramedics, emergency crews, and hospitals. Leleka has since gained unique expertise in tactical combat care and emergency trauma supplies front-line medical professionals need to save precious lives.